Biotech Pest Control Blog

A Bed Bug Exterminator’s Tips for Preventing and Controlling Bed Bugs in the Bronx, NY

Bed bugs can be hard for homeowners and residents to find and even more difficult to eradicate. That’s why prevention is the best defense in the fight against these unwanted pests. Knowing what to look for will give you a head start in avoiding an infestation in your home. A bed bug exterminator offers these helpful tips for preventing and controlling bed bugs in the Bronx, NY.

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5 Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe During Pest Control in Manhattan, NY

When you find unwanted pests in your Manhattan, NY, home, your first thought is likely pest control and wanting to get rid of them as soon as possible. But then your thoughts will probably turn to the safety and protection of your beloved pets during treatment. If chemicals are used, they could be toxic to you four-legged friends. Here are five tips to consider as you strive to keep your pets safe during pest control treatment in your home.

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How a Bed Bug Exterminator Gets Rid of Bed Bugs in Your Suffolk County, NY, Home

Unfortunately, life sometimes brings us things we would rather not have. Bed bugs certainly fall into this category! They can come into your home in a number of ways—on luggage, purses, and backpacks, and from pre-owned furniture, to name just a few of their transportation devices. The question is how to free your space of these intrusive bugs quickly. Here is how a bed bug exterminator can get rid of bed bugs in your Suffolk County, NY, home.

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Exterminator’s Tips for Identifying Bed Bugs in Queens, NY

Dealing with bed bugs is unpleasant and problematic—and unfortunately a not uncommon issue in Queens, NY. If left unchecked, a single bed bug sighting can quickly become an infestation. The best way to prevent an infestation is to identify the problem early and call an exterminator before it gets out of control. Knowing what to look for will help you avoid bringing bed bugs home—and help you spot them before they spread further.

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Commercial Pest Control for the Hospitality Industry: Why It’s So Important

Success in the hospitality industry relies heavily on cleanliness and a good reputation. Unfortunately, hotels’ constant stream of guests, a ready supply of food, and an abundance of warm nesting spots often turn them into victims of invasive pests. Ensure that your Brooklyn, NY, hotel or bed and breakfast remains pest free with commercial pest control services.

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Which Methods Does an Exterminator Use to Eliminate Bees and Wasps in New Jersey?

You may be wondering how an exterminator would go about ridding a property of bees and wasps in New Jersey. The fact is bees are critical to the ecosystem—for pollination of plants, for honey production, for beeswax. They also pollinate the clover and other green plants that livestock eat. But they’re generally not welcome indoors, especially for homeowners who are allergic to their sting. The removal of bees and wasps requires special tools and safe strategies by an experienced exterminator.

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Top 7 Rules of Termite Extermination

Termites—those little buggers with small, pale soft bodies that typically live within a mound of cemented earth—are troublemakers. Many kinds feed on wood and can be highly destructive to trees, timber, and more importantly, your NYC home. How do you know you have them? What can you do to prevent them? To help you avoid the damage and expense of repair that termites can cause, here are seven rules of termite extermination.

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