How to Know if You Have Termites: Early Signs to Look For

How to Know if You Have Termites Early Signs to Look For

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When it comes to initial detection, early signs of termites are some of the best ways to find out whether you have them or not. Termites are pests that can grow in number very quickly and cause a lot of damage! The early signs of termites will tell you whether or not to suspect.

As you think about it, the early signs of termite infestation are all that matter. The more knowledge you have when an issue first arises means better chances for success in preventing or eliminating this pest from taking over your homes and businesses!

How Do I Know if I Have Termites?

There are early signs to look for to help you identify damage the termites did already. Check to see when any wood-eating insects may exist around or in your home. Termites and some other wood-eating bugs leave behind sawdust as they eat. It is one early sign of detection that may indicate a problem.

Another early sign of termite infestation is mud tubes or carton nests on exterior walls of homes and buildings. These are where carton nests may also appear on beams and rafters under decks, porches, and so on. When you notice sagging floors at one corner or along a wall, it could mean a weakened area due to termite tunneling.

When you suspect early signs of termite infestation, it is best to call Biotech Termite and Pest Control as soon as possible. You can stop the primary signs from transforming into anything bigger and better help those at hand now.

What does an Active Termite Infestation Look Like?

Do not wait or try to take care of the early signs on your own. Leave this duty to the professionals! The early signs of a termite infestation may appear subtle at first. But when you look for these warning signals, you can get help initially before any real damage happens to your home or business.

The early signs of termites are not always easy to find. But they do exist in some form or another! For example, the presence of mud tubes on exterior walls, beams, posts, and other structures within structures are early detection signs. When you see this early sign of termite infestation, it is time to call the professionals before it is too late.

The early signs of termite infestation will depend on where in your home or property they choose to settle and feed. You might find wood shavings or bits of sawdust as some signs of a problem. Check all sites of construction, including window and door frames.

Signs of Termite Activity

Termite control early detection is important because of these destructive insects. You can check along exterior walls and near door and window openings for early signs of termites. When you see early signs of infestation in any form, call immediately!

When you see signs of insect activity, it is time to act. Subterranean termites can cause damage inside the home and make your wood flooring appear as if there were water leakages all around its edges.

Sometimes, you might find hollowed-out areas on your floorboards or behind surfaces like walls. This is from termites chewing through the wood in search of cellulose. They leave it behind long grooves that weaken the material over time causing structural damages to both indoor and outdoor fixtures alike.

Termite detection early signs may vary from one structure to another. But you can find them when you look. When termites are present, they will leave early warning signs as they swim across the property. As you notice early signs of termites on beams or rafters, go now and call the professionals at Biotech Termite and Pest Control.

What are the Signs of Infestation of Termite Invasion on a House?

Observe any of these five that prove termites may exist in your home. Prepare to solve them:

Stuck Windows or Doors

This early sign of termite infestation is common. There are initial warning signs that indicate the presence of termites or other wood-eating insects. One sign to look for is stuck windows and doors. The telltale sign is when you see small piles of sawdust around the exterior window and door frames, especially near fasteners.

What happens with the early stages of termite activity is that they strip away the cellulose content in wood until it becomes weak to detach from its seams. Once this occurs, the next step these destructive wooden eaters do once they have access inside your home or business is to continue eating what remains until none exists!

Find subterranean termites underneath any built aboveground including homes, barns, and sheds. Look for early termite detection signs such as the appearances of small piles of sawdust on beams and studs.

Damage Under Paint or Wallpaper

Another early sign of termite activity and infestation is damage under paint or wallpaper. See this detection sign around the edges of these protective materials. The early signs of termites on beams may appear as tiny and pinhole-sized breaches in paint or wallpapers. These indicate insects underneath the surface that you need to deal with immediately.

When you notice early signs such as dents and ripples on your flooring, this could mean termite infestation underneath it. Keep a watchful eye for termites near the floors, walls, and ceilings when not decaying from water leaks. Soon, you will start to see early warning signs of termites in the initial stages.

Termites create tunnels and tiny exit holes while feeding on cardboard or wood paneling underneath the surface of your walls.

There are many signs that termites may infest your home. One of the most obvious is an unusual appearance on painted or wallpapered surfaces. It can also mean they hide in places like closets and cabinets where you will not see them.

Termite Swarm and Discarded Wings

Early detection signs of termites may include a swarm in the afternoon air. When you see a large, cloud-like fluttering from the wood deck or porch furniture early in the morning outdoors, this is a sign of hatched termite eggs and the primary stages of termite infestations are underway. Look for small piles of discarded wings on window ledges and exterior porches at ground level for certainty that you have early warning signs.

See on beams discarded wings left behind when these insects molt through their life cycle. This happens when they leave an existing colony to form another one nearby.

Termite tubes exist in any exterior exposed beams and rafters, from front porches to backyard decks. On early detection signs of termites, look for these sharp drilling holes after finding early warning signs on walls or floors. One sign includes damage or weakened areas around subfloor furnace vents instead of the smell of gas leaks.

Mud Tubes

Once the early detection signs indicate termites, you will also see mud tubes and galleries. Signs include small mounds of fine sawdust at their openings within walls or floors. These are primary warning signs that termite infestation is underway in your home. You need to act immediately.

There are also early signs of termites outside. One is swarming insects outdoors in the afternoon on beams or porches where they land after a flight from another location.

Mud tubes and galleries are early warning signs of termites inside your structure. Take note as well as outside under siding near where the ground meets wood surfaces, for example. When you find these early detection signs of termites, it may become too late without primary steps to prevent infestation.

Look for early signs and then call a professional exterminator as soon as possible to remove them before they destroy your home or business.

Termite Droppings

Termite droppings appear similar to mouse droppings. When you discover early warning signs of termites indoors, look for these tiny dark specks on surfaces, where they are traveling.

Termites are destructive insects that feed on wood. They digest it and then push the recycled material out of their colony to avoid buildup. It can cause structural damage or decay over time due to termite droppings – also known as “frass.”

These small black specks found behind walls are evidence of recent insect activity. Oftentimes, termites deposit these feces during tunneling activities before coming back later at night with another load for themselves. They have a voracious appetite for framing studs, joists, and beams.

One early detection sign of termites is the tiny black droppings you find in the morning on windowsills or directly below them on your walls. This means their activity at night caused damage to your structure although most insects remain outside. They are working away at it from within so they can enter homes or businesses without damaging wood materials used there to support structures.

Drywood Termite Signs

Know when this type of termite enters your home or business.

Hollow Sounding Wood

Wood has a distinct hollow sound in the morning or evening when you tap on it. But when it sounds solid and does not have an empty cadence, this is another early warning sign of termites.

These pests are destructive creatures. They eat away at wood, creating large cavities that can lead to mildew and rot for your home’s foundation. Inspectors tap on beams or joists when looking for these hidden infestations. You do not have any surprises later down the line with termite damage. Make sure not to miss them before it becomes too late.

When you come into contact with wood structures with impact from termite damage, it will sound hollow. This is because the eaten inside pieces leave only a thin layer around their edges holding them together. It leads to more damage when you do not find and eliminate them.

Subterranean Termite Signs

Look for early signs of these termites’ presence indoors or outside which you may confuse with carpenter ants. The primary detection of subterranean termites means there is an infestation occurring in your home. But it can become tough to identify them until they cause more damage to your structure.

One sign of early infestation includes expanding mud tubes. These grow longer as the termite colony grows larger over time, leading to more damage and early warning signs that will require professional help.

Subterranean termites live underground. But forage above ground at night when you cannot see them returning to their colonies with food sources gathered from building materials around homes and businesses. This initial identification is tougher since they may not cause damage early on and look like carpenter ants instead.

How Do You Tell if Termites are in Your Walls?

As early warning signs of termites, look for these indications that subterranean and drywood types are in your walls:

– Dark powdery dust along surfaces where they moved throughout the day.

– Tiny round pellets near their colonies and inside your walls.

– Sound hollow when you tap on wooden beams and joists to check early infestation locations.

– Mud tubes or tunnels on the exterior walls of your home indicate early infestation.

A pest control professional will have to inspect for early signs of termites before it worsens and causes more damage. They know what they are looking for when dealing with these tiny insects that can cause early warning signs like finding droppings or pellets.

At the first sign of early infestation, find help immediately from a reputable pest control firm. Get rid of them before they move in and eat away at your wooden structures causing further damage and eventually needing replacement costs in the future.

What Does Termite Wall Damage Look Like?

Termite damage can also appear in the form of tiny holes or ridges on the surface of wood beams and joists. This warning sign indicates early infestation, while no effect on hardwood floors for a period until they become damaged when left alone.

Find these tiny holes all over, even on drywall. The origin of the name comes from what bugs use them for-to escape or hide in an emergency like when their nest has your destruction threat.

Termites are insects that can destroy anything they come across. One of their favorite foods to consume is cellulose. It consists of paper and wood products like drywall or furniture legs from recycled materials.

When the infestation turns severe, these faint lines appear more prominent. You can see every inch of your home’s walls from those annoying tunnels.

Common Signs of Termite Damage to a Wall

They look like grooves similar to the early warning signs of termite damage. They are single lines or groups of lines that look like scratch marks. When you see these signs, contact a pest control firm for inspection.

You can tell that termites have been eating through the paper coating on drywall and/or wallpaper. See dirt in a hole from subterranean pests. But woodworm does not leave behind any soil particles when they excrete their galleries with an infertile fragment of plant matter called frass (soy sauce).

Notice faint lines on drywall that termites tunnel through. Call these “tunneling” or “runnels,” and they lead away from the wall in certain directions. This is like the way waterworn sandstone rocks point due North when flowing streambeds deposit over time!

What can be Mistaken for Termites?

Carpenter ants, which are large black insects that live above ground or water, can look like termites. You see them moving over surfaces at ground level in the morning when it is cooler outside. They eat away wood from your cabinetry around sinks and other areas. But ants only take away bits of what they chew off rather than eating through walls or ceilings.

When you have a severe infestation of subterranean termites, you see dried mud tubes on wooden surfaces before the damage shows up inside a wall’s surface. These tubes resemble early warning signs of drywood termites with powdery dust trails up the exterior walls of your home.

Mistake termites for other insects or rodents because early warning signs are similar in appearance to these. They look like drywood termite damage and tunnel through wood, forming galleries with soil particles left behind when they excrete their frass. The telltale sign of subterranean termites is early infestation by seeing tiny round pellets near their colonies and inside your walls!

The Difference

Know about four features that differentiate termites from other pests. Learn more about them below:


When you notice termite early warning signs on wood, check for two antennae on the back of their head. Termite antennae have a joint in between them so they can move more freely to detect unknown scents and flavors that attract their appetites.

Termites are social insects with an antenna that looks straight or elbow-like. Antennae, like many other insect features, help termite ancestors to sense their environment and communicate with one another. Search for food sources such as cellulose material which they will provision back home before nursing young ones upon reunion after the mating season passed through safely.

Antennae are the most important sense organs in ants and termites. They help these insects detect touch, heat odors, or even vibrations – all without needing any other form of external information!


Powder post beetle larvae, which you can confuse with early warning signs of termite damage, can look like termites. They eat into the wood above ground level near where the carpet meets wooden floors. These beetles are dark brown or black while subterranean termites are pale beige to white.

Termites around the world come in all shapes and sizes, with some variation based on what they do. Soldier termite soldiers have large heads that are much darker than their bodies while worker bees tend to look translucent or white.

This coloration helps them avoid predator detection during attack mode. Some species also vary greatly within each caste–the females whose duty is reproduction can appear light caramel brown, yellow tan, or dark brown.

You can call termites “white ants.” But, they come in many diverse colors and patterns. Discover some termite nests that were black with red stripes on them. Other examples include brown-colored insects or even yellow ones.

Body Shape

Subterranean termites’ body shape is similar to flying ants as you can confuse these insects with termites. When you spot both early enough, find out the attachment of their wings or not. Ants have elbowed antennae and four wings that are unequal in size: two small and two large.

Termites always swarm and fly off at certain seasons. These winged reproductive termites will end up mating then dying after a short time–only this time, males take the female role instead!

Termites are insects with interesting body structures. Unlike ants, they have waists that are straight and not pinched like other types of bugs. This feature differentiates them from their cousins in the insect world who walk around on all fours or have thicker necks to accommodate long head spans.


Termites have two sets of wings and can appear flat or shaped like a boat. Ants only have one set, which is thicker than the other pair because they need them to help with flying.

Flying ants’ warning signs near your home can look similar to early signs of termite damage. You might find it in various locations around your house. Flying ant bodies are thick and black while their wings appear transparent.

Some species of termites do not have wings at all. You can also see early warning signs of damage when you see them around your home. Subterranean termites never swarm and fly off even during mating season!

With early warning signs to look for termite damage, it is best to act immediately before they invade your home or property.

Eco-Friendly Termite Control in NYC

Looking for early signs of termite damage and how to treat it? You can call Biotech Termite and Pest Control to get help today. NYC termite control technicians are ready to help you! Contact today at 866-797-3528.

We are the top termite company in NYC, and we take pride that our eco-friendly pest control solutions are effective! Our experienced pests controllers will help you get rid of any type or size infestation. One stubborn bug living on your countertop 10 feet away from where another person eats dinner with their family.

Enlighten yourself with this guide on what to observe from the early signs of termites in your home or business. Once you are sure that you have them, talk to Biotech Termite and Pest Control as soon as possible.